Spring is here and participating in a Spring Home Tour was the perfect motivation to get me decorating - I chose the Entryway and Porches category.
I have 3 doors and thus 3 porches to decorate, but the main challenge was that it began raining the minute I brought home plants to decorate the porches.
I started with the back porch because I could work in the rain.
Trader Joe's had jasmine which is perfect hanging above the table made from my grandmother's sewing machine base.
I tied little bottles onto an old metal screen and snipped flowers from the garden.
I love using words in decor so wooden letters with magnets on the back are perfect on the screen.
Mini rose bushes fill a favorite metal basket.
Even in the rain we keep the door open and I love this happy view.
I am focused on using what I have this year so when I started spiffing up the garden shed, I simply borrowed this little ladder from another part of the garden.
It started raining while I was was decorating the the front of the shed so I organized inside while I waited out the rain.
I moved the old milk can outside during Christmas and decided it looks cute next to the shed door and it will look even better when the plant starts blooming.
I had to wait a couple of days between decorating the back and the front because of rain.
While I waited I created a new arrangement for the front door.
I love how the basket looks on the door, but the clouds are the winners in this shot.
Our old Adirondack chair is falling apart and I almost tossed it, but I decided a basket of flowers would keep anyone from sitting on the chair.
The buoys are beach finds -
Steve paints them pretty colors to liven up the porch.
Now that my porches are decorated for spring,
I'm going to check out all the inspiration on the Spring Home Tour.

I'm thrilled to be joining in today as 28 talented bloggers bring you the best of spring for all throughout the home! Please continue along this inspiring tour, and visit the other participants in each of the following categories.

Rain & Pine || Harper Home Designs || Land of Laurel || Deb Vuagniaux Designs & Home || The Crowned Goat