Saturday, February 10, 2018

Happy Hearts

After all the Christmas decor is removed, the house seems bare and I actually like that for a few weeks,

but I love that Valentine's Day is the next holiday.

I don't decorate every room, but I have a fun bringing out all my happy hearts.

I'll admit to going a bit overboard in the kitchen,

but the head chef has not complained.

And I will also admit to constantly tweaking things on the shelves.

The guest room has the most Valentine decor -

too bad no guests are scheduled for February.

It's left for me to enjoy

all the Valentine touches.

A little Valentine table setting from last night

will remain until the asparagus fern looks shabby.

I even tucked a few hearts here and there in the garden.

How about you,

are hearts popping up around your house?

..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  

I'm sharing with

French Country Cottage - Feathered Nest Friday

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson - Share Your Cup

Friday, February 2, 2018

flowers . . . flowers . . . flowers . . .

One goal for 2018 that I did not put in writing is to work on my photography.

I would love to take a photography class at the local college, but the courses last 18 weeks and as a new grandmother, I hope to be out of town several days a month visiting this little munchkin.

So, I am simply playing around with my camera and flowers seem to be my focus.

Just as I prefer color in my decorating, I am always looking for something colorful to photograph.

 I love this post in the garden and if I stood at the right angle, the rose bush appeared to be right in front of it.

I zoomed in and to my surprise, when I edited the photo, I noticed a delicate cobweb.

I've been trying my hand with floral arranging and then playing around with different shots.

I had a lot of fun creating this arrangement in a cute little teacup and really like how the shot turned out,

but Steve said the teacup on that stump was the winner.

 As I was leaving a shop that I visit way too much, my eye caught this brick wall in the parking lot for the first time.

A few days later I bought some Trader Joe's flowers and went back to take a photo with that great wall.

And on that visit, I spotted this cute little house right across the street from the shop - I'm a sucker for picket fences.

January felt like spring and February is shaping up the same way so we've been spending lots of time outside with the flowers.

 Saturday you will find me in the garden because I went a little crazy with the flowers at the nursery.