
Monday, August 22, 2016

Win a Few, Lose a Few

Yesterday I read a post shared by Anne of Design Dreams by Anne titled, Wardrobe Makeovers, Flubs and Being Sidetracked , and I had to admit that Anne acknowledging a flub made me smile.

I  had a big fail recently and it made me feel so much better to know that others have flubs too.

This bench on the front porch was looking ratty and I decided to paint it using Annie Sloan English Yellow softened with Pure White.

I don't even know what to call the color it is now and I HATE it - I'm open to color suggestions that will work well with my white house, red door and blue trim.

I lost that one, but I did have a couple of winners over the weekend.

I'm still making changes in our bedroom and I needed one more pillow on the bed (Steve would absolutely disagree with that statement) so I painted a big C on fabric left from another project.

I'm not sure about the pillows and I still have fabric left so the pillows on the bed might change again.

Lulu thinks there are just the right amount of pillows on the bed.

When I mixed the paint color for the pillow, I made too much so I created a sign using scraps of wood left from the headboard Steve built last week.

I am still organizing my supplies in the garage and came across some ladybug buttons so the sign got a little embellishment.

I'm still looking for the perfect spot for the sign, but for now, it's sitting in the garden.

I spent the rest of the weekend tweaking things - like adding a new quote to my typewriter.

I think this vignette in the dining room is a winner,

but I'm still struggling with decorating the cart I moved to the living room.

We have company arriving in 4 days so I hope I can come up with a winner by then.


  1. Flubs happen all the time here. Just acknowledge and move on. I like the brighter yellow bench in the first photo - can you go back to that?

  2. I make many clubs! I know you will make the bench look great.

  3. I'm with Lorrie (first comment) - just go with your original yellow - it worked, you liked it, all good, it's just paint, right?

    I have so many truly expensive flubs you wouldn't even want to get the list. I'm depressed just thinking about them now. Life and learn. Color is TRICKY and DECEIVING and it is a gamble when painting. Fo Sho!

  4. Carol, I would paint the bench the bright yellow it was originally. School bus yellow! It will go with the bright colors of your home.
    As far as flubs, at least you are trying new things. I just sit and think about it. No action! ;-)

  5. I'm another one for the original yellow...

    I love that J.C. quote too ~

  6. I go with yellow too. Carol you are not the only one who has flubs - I do it all the time and blame it on my age LOL.

    Your home is always so impressive - love everything you do.

    Lulu has the right idea for a nap. She must be related to Waldo, who does the same thing only he messes up the quilt at the bottom of the bed.

    Have a great week.


  7. I don't mind that green, but how about more definitive green? It would be a pop along with your blue and red. Glad I'm not the only one who flubs!

  8. Carol, I love the new sign and my favorite things is that teapot with the yellow roses. Beautiful. I really should change the covers on my throw pillows. I have a hard time changing once I get a look I like. :) But at least you have me changing things in the center of our table. :):) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. I liked your yellow bench, but what about a turquoise color?

  10. must be the full moon screwing us up on our decisions. or the meteor shower, that's it, the meteor shower. :)

    I love everything you do anyways.

  11. I really like the yellow. I used that paint once. I didn't like it at first. But it grows on you. It's a contrast. With your other colors. I'm sure your visitors will love everything about your home and yard.

  12. Hi Carol,
    My comment just disappeared. I hate when that happens. We like to add pillows to our beds to fluff and nest and guys just like to lay down and rest. Pillows for them is an added effort to move them! I love your vintage typewriter and how you display your quotes in it. OK I am a rebel, but how about painting it with blackboard paint? It's matte and outdoor durable, plus you can write messages or quotes in colored chalk.

  13. Hi Carol,
    I would paint it a color that makes you smile. You are a color girl so I am sure the red or even a blue or trying another yellow would work. How about a sky blue or sea blue. Whatever you decide it will be beautiful for your sea cottage. Have a great week.

  14. Carol, you can always paint it again but have you thought of using the Annie Sloan dark wax? It really does change the paint color. Otherwise...get rid of it. Life is too short.


  15. Carol,
    I vote for the original yellow color. It is in the same depth of color as your blues and reds.


  16. You have featured beautiful pictures. You can give the white chalk paint look to your bench with some stenciled work. I loved your pillows and more are less.

  17. That Miss Lulu, she looks like a giant BROWNIE! teeeeheheheeee

    Talk about FLUBS. I feel like my recent 9 photos on IG are awful. I haven't had access to beautiful flowers in the last few days of my summer break, and now I'm back at school (gotta leave in a few minutes) but I so hope to fill in my IG squares with things that lift my heart. As for your paint job, you can easily change it and I wonder if your signature BLUE would work on that bench?

    Whatever we do, I see it as a lesson. I literally took each day as a lesson during the summer, asking myself, "OK, what did you learn today?" whether it was a new adjustment on my camera, a few lines of a poem, or just a new way of photographing something. Mistakes are the best teachers.

  18. I love your creativity! Your cottage is such an inspiration to me. Maybe the yellow is too gold? A lemon yellow might work? Thanks for all the ideas you give us.

  19. I have a shelf of flubs, since we are all confessing! I kinda liked the color the bench was, especially with white, blue and red, so it is blocking my imagination for another one!

  20. When it comes to paint, it can always be redone - yay for paint! I was really loving the original yellow, is that an option still? That pop made me happy ;)


  21. I more often than not end up with something I didn't intend to create - and that isn't saying a lot, so everything you come up with looks like a winner to me!

  22. Dear Carol,
    after this period of 'interlude' which I had to allow myself due to work reasons - the Short Lets I manage here at Tenuta Geremia, the speech about the Empress of Austria I had to prepare and to perform at the conference which was held last Saturday at Madonna di Campiglio, in our Dolomiti, some works of restoration here and the family to join and follow took me far from the pc for more than a month and a half - I'm so glad to be here again and enjoy your creativity, thank you sweet friend of mine !

    Hope your week is off to a good start I'm sending my dearest love to you

    Xx Dany

  23. I prefer the bench when it was yellow. And I love the blue sign ♥

  24. Hi Carol, I am surprised at how your bench faded and so quickly. Yes, we all have flubs . . . I have plenty of them. The bench that I made to set in front of the Art Barn has turned into a big heavy flub. What I didn't realize when I bought the head board that I used is that the panels were fiberboard, not something you pick for outdoor furniture. It's so heavy, too, that it is hard to move. I did manage with the help of a movers dolly, get it off the little porch and over by the potting shed. Your flub wasn't really yours but the failure of the paint company . . . it really shouldn't have faded like that.
    Every other thing that you have done is so "over the top perfect", that I wouldn't give that bench another thought . . . maybe just a new coat of a different yellow paint :) Love your little sign!
    Connie :)

  25. i love the yellow mixed in with your white, blue and red..just give it another spurt of a great yellow spray paint and you'll be good to go...heard the other day that there's a CHALK spray paint now...haven't ck;d it out, tho

  26. I adore that old typewriter! Wish I could run across one cheap. I had a big flub over the weekend. But once I figured out a way to fix it, I actually like the after-flub better!

  27. Tracy @theanchoredhome7August 23, 2016 at 2:28 PM

    What about going green? Annie Sloan has a great green...Antibes, It would be great around Christmas and all your other colors would look great with it.

  28. I'm sure you chose a color or painted the bench already but I liked the bright yellow with all your blues and red.

    It makes me feel good that others have flubs too.



  29. We all have disappointments in some of our projects. I have lots in my greeting card makes. I love home made altered cards,
    I am really liking the old painted spool cabinet with the wire basket of letters setting on top.

  30. I would suggest blue or red, but it's just because I love those colours

  31. Yep, we all make flubs, Carol! I think I liked the bright yellow that your bench had been painted. You're such a bright, cheery person and those colors just fit you!
    As for being a scattered brain ditz...I don't think so!!! You are so enthusiastic with all your projects and you never fail to amaze me.

  32. Hi Carol, well I think all your displays are winners. Oh yes, I make plenty of flubs!! I think the bench in the bright yellow would go great with the red and blue.Love the C pillow too and the sign is a great one! Enjoy your company!
